Monday, April 12, 2010

Life on a Boat...

Yeah, I did it.  I am buying a boat and living aboard.  It sounds like an absurd idea, I know, but I have always been a free soul that enjoyed living life to the fullest and have always loved the water.  The desire to be around water seems to be in all of us, with the exception of a few people who can't swim...

The boat is named 'Wastin Away' after the Jimmy Buffet song, but I am currently thinking about a new name for her.  Wastin Away sounds kinda negative and I always look for good mojo in life.  Some of the names I've come up with or have been suggested were 'Bella Luna', which is Italian for 'beautiful moon', and 'Some Beach', which is redneck for Some Beach or SomeBitch.   I am still open for suggestions, though...

The marina is a very nice and quiet spot on the lake.  My boat is nearer to the landing and I get to see everyone coming in to drop or pickup their boat or jetski.  It is always funny to watch people do anything in life....especially when there is a chance they'll fall in the water!

The boat itself is quite large and I'm tyring to get a handle on all the pumps which move water around inside the vessel as well as keep it outside the hull.   There are also many switches and buttons to familiarize myself with.  It won't take long.

The helm on the top deck sits very high, but you can also see everything from up there.  It is an awesome view of the water and the best place to drive the boat from.....unless there is a storm and then you would drive inside on the lower deck.

The top has two decks and plenty of room from lounging in the sun.  The stereo can even be direct to any and every room as well as the top decks.  The view is incredible and would be a beautiful way to spend the day riding around on the lake.  My favorite places are the top deck and the lower front porch which is covered and has a nice ceiling fan to cool things off as well. 

I am meeting new friends quickly.  The guy who does everything at the marina is named 'wildman', I hope because of his wild hair and beard, but still trying to figure wildman out right now.....he is a different bird for sure.  Ike, the man that owns the Beaver Creek Bar and Grill, is very nice and always good to talk to.  Tashia and Harmony, the bartenders at The Flamingo, the other bar right down from Beaver Creek Bar and Grill, are also very nice and love to talk.
I find myself the new celebrity in town as they get few strangers till the Summer usually and things are usually kinda slow in the off season. 

I am busy settling in and about to start a writing project with another writer.  It will be a real life civil war love story with actual letters that were sent between a husband and his wife.  It should be fascinating reading.  I'll keep everyone posted as to when it will be published....and hopefully it will.

For now, I live in an alien world becoming more and more familiar to me everyday.  It's a different kind of world than I've lived in before.  I have lived in lakehomes before and stayed at beach houses, but never actually lived ON water.   I know that so far I have never slept better in my life.

It's an adventure I am excited about...  When I retire, I can move the boat to the intercoastal waterway and travel up and down the east coast in style and comfort.  She is a beautiful boat with alot of character.  I look forward to getting to know her better and make her shine again.  She has come to me at a time in my life when I needed change....and a change in view....and a view of the water is just right for me!!