It is HOT in the Dirty South!! 100 degrees with an index of 110! We have had a HEAT WAVE for a whole week now! I don’t normally mind the 80’s and even the 90’s, but the 100’s SUCK!…Luckily, this next week will be in the mid-90’s…UGH!!
I recently have been wondering why women clam-up at times when simple communication is all that is needed and necessary. Does anyone out there know the answer??
I think if you truly care about someone, you should always strive to communicate in whatever way necessary and that this is not only healthy, but considerate of the other person’s feelings and polite as well. I’ve always tried to communicate openly and honestly, whether it’s good news or bad news.
I’ve had a lot of experience with this, folks! Women DO simply shut down at times and just will not communicate what they’re feeling or why they’re angry or hurt…It’s so WEIRD and BIZARRE to me…for people to text and message like nothing is wrong and then, without warning….no response from text, email, or even FB…
And men get the bad rap about shutting down and not communicating?!!
Sometimes relationships do not work out. Sometimes people are not meant for one another. Sometimes lovers is all we are or were….in the end. However, why we won’t be together doesn’t mean we can’t be friends…or even possibly become lovers again in time as change is forever constant. Why end things rudely by cold-shouldering? I just don’t get that…nor am I charmed by it…or these foolish games some ladies play.
Give me some help here folks!! WHY do they do this?…
I’ve always thought consideration in relationships was underestimated. I’ve heard many a woman speak about how they want the same thing…true and open communication…only to shut down when least expected.
I think DJQ’s quest shall now seek to include a lady who truly communicates openly and, as recent events dictate the need, has a considerate and loving heart…
OK…some video footage of Beaver Creek should be online soon…get ready for some HEAT in the DIRTY SOUTH!!
Vor- und Nachteile bei Hochbeeten aus Stein
2 years ago