Hey Yall!!!! I’ve been busy lately and every time I sat down to write, my mind wandered….there were so many new and exciting things in my life now….living on a boat at a beautiful marina on a beautiful lake….new friends, new social scene…a whole new life. I ‘ve realized a lot about myself on this journey of transition. I know what I want in life and am excited again at the possibilities of life and love. I have the ultimate free-spirited existence now and one I did not think possible.
I laughed as I got ready to go have a drink at Ike’s Sports Bar last night. In my former life, getting ready to go to a club or a bar meant to dress comfortably, but a little trendy and the occasional linen suit with Italian shoes when suitable. Now that I live at the marina, I basically have to look for my sandals….that’s it….and some people lose their shoes once they start dancing as well. It’s like being on vacation living here…shirtless all day…T-shirts or Hawaiin shirts with shorts at night for men….. and whatever a woman wants to wear or, more importantly, not wear are the normal dress codes for the ladies.
Last week I picked up a new CD, which is something I don’t normally go out and buy much. I love so many types of music. However, I seldom find a new artist that I like enough to buy a whole album. Last week, after hearing a national radio show’s suggestions as to ‘what’s hot in music’, I heard Colt Ford’s new album was a runaway and heard some of the songs from it. I went by Wal-mart that Friday and purchased it. I don’t like Walmart usually, but they actually edit the cursing out of any album sold there and a lot of today’s artist use suggestive material. This way I don’t have to worry about the kids listening with me.
My friends and I listened to it all weekend and the whole album is smoking!!! ‘Nothing in Particular’, track 6 and track 2, ‘Hey Yall’, are excellent songs with a cool, slow,and very deep bass tempo that makes everyone bob their heads when they hear it. ‘Ride On, Ride Out’ is as close to Kid Rock as country can get and rocks with it’s rapping from a country phenomenon called Colt Ford. He’s a portly fellow with long mustache, big sunglasses and a cowboy hat…..he looks a lot like One-eyed George in disguise, my good friend and equally talented musician. Colt Ford is a very talented rapper whose timing and flow of words are impressive for any rapper, much less the rare country rapper.
The song ‘Tool Timer’ has Darryl Worley singing in it as well and has some awesome lyrics “He’s got everything in the whole wide world……all he needs is a girl.” is one of the chorus lines. Of course, yall know that one’s dear to my heart!!
“Hip Hop in a Honky Tonk” is a slickly written song with blends of DMC rap and country which tells the story of a redneck who hates hip hop and as he listens to it at the honky tonk, realizes that the women like it and love to dance to it and at the end decides that maybe it’s not so bad after all….a very funny and ingenious song!
Track 8, “Cricket on a Line”, is heading up the charts fast as we speak. The song is an incredible mix of country, rap, and rock that make you just want to jump up and dance when it’s playing. It’s making country cool with the younger crowds again fast. My 16 year old daughter was impressed that I even knew who Colt Ford was.
This album is a great Summertime fun album. The tracks are slickly produced and have a Kid Rock edge with a little more country sweetness added. It should make Colt Ford a household name for sure.
So….in case yall are wondering. I have met several ladies and am truly wondering where this whirlwind of fun and sun will lead me. Two women have asked me to go to church with them and I think this may be some sort of test of your character…..to see how you’ll respond….and plus this is the Bible Belt as well. Both women were in a bar, by the way. Lol
Will I find the love of my life?…..Will Don Juan Quixote end his quest this year? Well, actually….I’m so in love with life right now that I’m wondering if I really need to find my soul mate yet. I know….it will happen when it happens…..but I can’t help but wonder if love and togetherness for life is real for couples anymore. I want to think so, but see so many unhappy couples and have had my share of unhappy wive’s phone numbers passed to me so far since being here. Is it all a 6 month loop that grows stale in half a year? From my experience….passion and love are strong usually for about 6 months…then, it seems people grow tired of one another and move on to newer or better things….or unexpected loneliness. People are lazy and don’t want to try after a certain time together….or worse, they stay with someone they know is wrong for them because they’re lazy or need something from the other person…..like finances or emotional enmeshment.. ..and make the other person miserable because they’re miserable and won't leave. I say this from both ‘dumper’ and ‘dumpee’ experiences…
I know this sounds jaded….but it’s just something I’ve been thinking about on my road of happiness. I’m as happy as I’ve ever been in life and am enjoying meeting new people and finding lots of characters to use for future writing. I’m gonna attempt to videotape 30 minutes of footage in the next week to share some of my world at Beaver Creek with the rest of the world. It should be fascinating…and quite funny! This Summer will be very busy for me and I’m just not sure if I’m ready for a girlfriend that will need my time and I’m also still leery of women
Yes, love is wonderful and exciting and it’s a beautiful thing when two people can say “I love You!” to one another. It’s comforting to spoon and hold a warm body that loves you close at night and have someone to cuddle with on the couch while you watch TV. It‘s exciting to have a strong sexual chemistry with someone and anticipate making love to them all day long and indulging all night. It’s what all single folk long for….someone to share life with.
But I’m happy at Beaver Creek on my boat alone right now. I enjoy the peacefulness and the scenery of the marina. The lake is so picturesque and perfect. I cannot wait to get home every day. I watch spectacular sunsets every night with so many colors and shapes it’s impossible to describe the beauty of them. I have realized that I don’t need a woman to be happy right now. I have a lot of new friends and am meeting lots of people every weekend and am certain that the right one will come along….and if she doesn’t….it’s good to know you’ll be happy either way.
Yall check out the Colt Ford videos I’m throwing at ya at the end of this post. I think you’re gonna like him.
Got some great stories coming soon as well…please stay tuned….it’s fixin to get HOT in the Dirty South!
Vor- und Nachteile bei Hochbeeten aus Stein
2 years ago